Will A King Size Bed Fit In Here? Photo
Wants. Needs. Every buyer's got 'em.
Sometimes wants & needs align nicely and a buyer finds a property that ticks all of their boxes. Sometimes they don't.
I was out with a client earlier this week, looking at condos near Yonge & Lakeshore. We stepped into the 2nd bedroom of the first condo and she asked, "Do you think a king size bed could fit in here?"
A king size bed... in a condo's 2nd bedroom!
If you've seen even a handful of condos in the downtown core you know that the 2nd bedrooms are usually pretty tight. You'd be lucky to squeeze a queen size into many of them, let alone a king!
"How important is that?" I asked. "Is it a want... Or is it a need?"
In this case, it was a need. Each buyer has their own set of "must-haves" and for her, being able to fit a king size bed into the 2nd bedroom was on the list.
Fortunately, the condos we were seeing were on the larger side and the 2nd bedrooms weren't too bad. A few of them were actually large enough to fit a king. Of course, there wouldn't be any room left for end tables, armoires, or much else. That didn't matter to her though. The fact that a king could fit was enough.
Point being, each and every buyer is going to have their own set of criteria when searching for a home. Sure, the majority of items on that list are going to be the same for almost everyone (granite counter tops, stainless steel appliances, hardwood floors, etc...).
Sometimes though, something unique finds its way onto the short-list and I'm given fodder for a new blog post...
If you’re thinking of making a move and would like to know how I can help, feel free to contact me for more info.